A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog this week.I’m really enjoying it!

I finished Jane Costello’s MY SINGLE FRIEND yesterday – absolutely brilliant! I think it’s the first time I’ve cried during one of her books – the characterisation was just so spot on, you couldn’t help but become involved in the characters and their choice. Why are you not reviewing this title I hear you say? Well, it’s a tricky one as I work for the publishing house who publishes Jane Costello so it’s a bit of a conflict of interests. For now, I plan to not review books published by my place of work, but I will mention them from time to time especially if I particularly enjoyed the book. How does that sound? Or would you prefer me to simply steer clear of any work titles? Any and all feedback on this subject is hugely appreciated as I don’t want to step on any book blogger faux pas’ – look at me with my fancy faux pas – LOL!!

I’m now reading Lisa Jewell’s THE TRUTH ABOUT MELODY BROWNE and I’m really enjoying it. It’s been a while since I’ve read any of her books and I find a writing style easy to get sucked into. Give me a few more days and I should have a full review for you.

Also: this week, I’ll be posting a couple of book chat entries, including my March wishlist and my top 10 non-vampire YA books!! So keep your eyes peeled for those!

girly scribbles